An end of an era, Jasmine joins the cities of dust.

An end of an era, Jasmine joins the cities of dust.

It’s sad news to say today, that soon, January 2nd, 2025, Jasmine will be seeing the cities of dust like many good gorean cities of SecondLife. An end of an era of a great lifestyle place for goreans to meet, get to know others… Kind of be a place like the Gor Hub I always felt should be. Be gorean, but not all this nonsense of force collar, force capture, force enslavement. Goreans don’t do that. They require actual submission before they truly slave. Otherwise in reality the penalty for refusing to submit is death.

Anyway, my slave, whom is still in consideration, but is locked in my collar until her submission, has given me her land she rents to run a quarter homestead sim we’ve started as the initial stages close to where Jasmine was, in Tabuk’s Ford. Simple peasant’s village, but it’s still some place to have my home stone, and be me, fully. So I’m thankful.

With my love, to Noir on this. A new era begins, together.

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